Five practical car maintenance techniques to extend the life of the car by 100,000 kilometers

Cars are consumables. Whether it is a durable German car or an affordable Japanese car, there is a day to die. Except for those local tyrants who change their cars more frequently than their mobile phones, most car owners want to extend the use of their cars as much as possible. Life span, the following five tips for keeping a car can extend the life span of a car by 100,000 kilometers, and 85% of people don’t know.

Good driving habits
Many car owners have bad habits such as slamming the brakes, banging the accelerator, and killing the steering wheel. These behaviors will cause serious damage to the car in the long term and cause serious damage to the braking, steering, and power system, so they develop an excellent driving habit that is very important.

Regular maintenance
As the saying goes, three separate, seven separate nourishment! Car maintenance is essential. Long-term use of a car will have some safety hazards. When you go to a repair shop, professional maintenance personnel will conduct a comprehensive inspection of the car to prevent problems before they occur, replace parts on time, and let the car at any time stay healthy.

Check the humidity of the place where the water is prone to
It is inevitable in rainy and snowy weather or passing by muddy, watery roads. Sludge is easy to accumulate in some voids, such as the underside of the car and the floor of the car. If the owner does not clean it in time, it will increase the humidity in the car, which will continue for a long time. The breeding of bacteria is not good for people and the car itself. It is necessary to keep the drainage holes unblocked to prevent the accumulation of water in the car.

Check tires frequently
As the only part of the car body that touches the ground, tires naturally arouse our attention. The main material of automobile tires is rubber, which is particularly vulnerable to temperature. In summer and winter, pay special attention to tire pressure and check whether the tires have obvious injuries. , Whether the scratches and tire pressure meet the standards, clean up the inclusions in the tire pattern, and replace them in time if there is a problem.

Avoid overload
Overloading affects the safety performance of the vehicle’s braking and operation and causes serious problems such as tire deformation and puncture, brake failure, etc. It is a small matter to cause injury to the vehicle. In case of a traffic accident, it is easy to threaten the lives of drivers and passengers, and Overloading is also illegal!

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