How to extend the life of a car battery?

At the beginning of the car engine starting, the generator will drive the engine to supply power to the car’s electrical system. When the car engine speed reaches a certain point, it will automatically enter the charging state. Therefore, except the generator provides all the power supply for the whole car when starting, the rest of the time, the battery provides power. Especially, engine starting and lighting need strong power from the battery. The following 10 points will help to extend the life of the car battery.
Look at the letters on the top when you buy the battery, where the letter QA is with the dry charge battery.
1. Shake the electrolyte well before adding it to the battery. Please wear gloves when operating and be careful not to spill electrolytes on your hands or clothes.
2. For a battery without a marked line, the electrolyte should be 10-15mm higher than the pole plate; for a battery with two red lines, the electrolyte should not exceed the upper red line.
3. Some people think that the more electrolyte, the more power, which is a wrong idea. When the car is running at high speed, the generator output voltage is greater than the battery voltage and starts to charge the battery. When charging, the volume of the electrolyte expands, and if the electrolyte is too full, it will overflow from the small hole of the battery cover. The electrolyte conducts electricity, and once it flows between the positive and negative battery poles, it will form a circuit to self-discharge. The car will not start, and the life of the battery will be shortened. In this case, apply cotton wool to wipe off the electrolyte or use boiling water to rinse and wipe it off.
4. Don’t let other objects fall into the battery when adding electrolytes. If something falls into the battery accidentally, never use the metal substance to fish; use a wooden stick to clip out impurities; if you use iron wire or copper wire for fishing, metal molecules will enter the battery under the corrosion of sulfuric acid to form self-discharge and damage the battery.
5. Check regularly whether the small hole on the battery cover is ventilated. If the small hole is blocked, the gas generated will not be discharged, and the electrolyte expansion will break the battery shell, thus reducing the life of the battery.
6. Check the level of electrolyte regularly and add electrolyte in time when the level drops.
7. If the vehicle is not used for a long time, you should start it up every 25 days and run it at medium speed for about 20 minutes. Otherwise, the car will be difficult to start if it is left for too long.
8. When removing the battery from the car, the negative terminal should be removed first and then the positive terminal, and the opposite is true when installing. When charging, make sure to unscrew the battery cover, and do not use an open flame to approach the mouth of the battery being charged because the hydrogen gas generated in the battery is easy to burst into flames when charging.
9. Don’t just replace the battery with a larger capacity than the original battery because the power generation capacity of the car generator is fixed. If you replace the battery with a large capacity, the new battery will be undercharged, and the car will not start smoothly, and the battery will shorten its life with long-term power loss.
10. When starting the car, the starting time should not exceed 3 to 5 seconds each time, and the interval between starting again should be not less than 15 seconds.
The battery is an essential part of the car; according to the existing battery varieties in the market can be roughly divided into two kinds: the traditional lead-acid battery and the maintenance-free battery that has just been popularly used in recent years in China. The following is about the battery in using and maintaining some issues need to pay attention to.
The lead-acid battery is composed of positive and negative plates, partitions, shells, electrolyte and wiring pile head, etc. The chemical reaction of discharge relies on the active material of positive plates and negative plates under the action of electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid solution), in which the grid of plates is made of lead-antimony alloy. This is because the antimony on the grid will pollute the lead on the negative plate and cause excessive decomposition of water, and a large amount of oxygen and hydrogen will escape from the positive and negative plates, respectively, which will reduce the electrolyte.
The maintenance-free battery is made of lead-calcium alloy because the battery adopts lead-calcium alloy as grid frame, so the amount of water decomposition produced during charging is low, and the amount of water evaporation is also low, plus the shell adopts a sealed structure, the sulfuric acid gas released is also very little, so it has the advantages of no need to add any liquid, less corrosion to the terminal blockhead, wire and body, strong resistance to overcharge, high starting current, long power storage time compared with traditional battery. It has the advantages of no need to add any liquid, less corrosion to the terminal head, electric wire, and body, strong resistance to overcharge, high starting current, long storage time of electricity, etc. It is very popular in China in recent years.
For wet-type batteries (lead-acid batteries), the density of electrolytes should be adjusted according to the standard in different regions and seasons. When losing electrolyte, distilled water or special rehydration solution should be added, avoid using pure drinking water instead, because pure water contains many kinds of trace elements, which will have bad effects on the battery. In addition, you should always check whether the small hole on the battery cover is ventilated when you drive every day. Suppose the small hole on the battery cover is blocked. In that case, the hydrogen and oxygen generated will not be discharged, and the electrolyte expansion will break the battery shell and affect the battery life. Finally, the positive and negative terminals of the battery should be checked frequently for signs of oxidation, and if so, hot water can be poured on the battery wire connections from time to time.
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